We do not currently buy or sell instruments (although if finaces permit we may make an offer on certain instruments), our business is that of making your current instrument sound and feel better. We are firm believers that any instrument, be it made in China, Korea, or the US can be made better with the proper setup or the addition of customized eletronics, wiring, or parts. Below are the services we offer and the general rates.
Guitar/bass setup - This involves making the action as low as possible, or as low as the customer wishes. Lubricating the string nut. Adjusting the trem so it sits properly, and lubricating that as well, this will help in tuning and returning the trem to true (Floyd Rose equipped guitars included). And if need be adjusting the truss rod to add or remove relief to the neck, this can assist in lower action and more playability. We also adjust the intonation so your in tune above the 12th fret. It also doesn't matter how many strings the guitar has 4,6,7,8,12. We charge a flat $15 dollars (FYI Floyd equipped guitars may go up in the future). If you went into any music shop they would most likely charge you 30-50 bucks depending on your guitars options. That is a big savings. (you must supply the strings you wish installed at this time, or your current ones will be reused)
Fret Polish/Fretboard cleaning - We do not include this in a normal setup as it requires all the strings to be removed at once, takes extra time, and resources. We charge an extra $3 for this service, unless you take advantage of our current multi instrument offer. (See side bar)
Pickup exchange - If you don't want any type of custom wiring, you just want us to trade one pickup for another, it's $8 per pickup for the drop in. We do make an exception if you have 3 pickups mounted on a pickguard, like a strat, or some ibanez models, and you want all 3 traded out, it's $22. A small savings but savings none the less (Must exchange all three pickups to get this deal).
Custom Wiring - The price on custom wiring is one of the things that varies in price. We generally use online schematics so it all depends on the model of guitar whether we can find the schematic to do what you want, and the complexity of the job. The minimum is about 15$ up to around 30$ for something really complex.
Hardware exchange - if you want a bridge, or tuners, or some other piece of hardware changed out we usually charge $5 per part, or set in the case of tuners. The hardware must be a direct drop in because we don't have the templates at this time to rout cavities. In other words we can't, at this time, install a floyd rose on a strat that doesn't already have one. We can however put on a different vintage trem with the same mounting holes and such. (You provide parts).
Kit Building - If you have purchased a guitar kit and don't have time or want to tackle building it, we can do that for you. It's a flat $25 dollars, that doesn't include finishing or headstock shaping (Although we can try reshaping the headstock if you have drawn it out for us). You must have all the parts to the kit.
Check for more services to come.